Nuts & Dry GoodS.


Find all the ingredients you’ll need to cook and bake at home from our large selection of dry goods and pre-packaged imports.



Double roasted, smoked, salted, unsalted and raw, whatever your preference, we have it in stock. Select your favourite nuts from a variety of cashews, peanuts, pistachios, walnuts, almonds, pecans and more.


Shop from a broad range of rice and other imported products. From basmati and brown rice, to wild rice and puffed rice, we have everything you’re looking for.



With hundreds of different spices in stock, we have everything you need to cook at home. From cumin and nutmeg, to bay leaves and cinnamon, we carry all the spices needed to prepare any dish.

Baking Items.

We carry everything you need to bake all your favourites, including flour, white sugar, brown sugar, baking powder and so much more.